How Parents Can Manage Stress

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A little booklet was shipped to our office today. On the front cover, “11 Ways for Parents to Manage Stress.”

A few ways that we can help to alleviate the amount of stress we endure each and every day.

Learn About Child Development

Talk to your child’s health care provider. Join a parenting support group. Take part in parenting workshops; or Read about child development.

Practice Positive Discipline

To help guide your child’s behavior – set clear limits. Rules should be simple and few. Focus on health and safety. Spell out consequences for breaking rules and follow through consistently. “Catch” your child behaving well and when you do, give lots of praise. Explain your discipline strategy to all of your child’s caregivers.

Work Together as a Family

For a smoother family life: Follow daily routines (such as for mornings, bedtime, meals, grocery shopping and cleaning). Share chores with other family members (even young children can help). Prioritize tasks (do those that must be done and let the others wait). Leave time for the unexpected – don’t overbook your family’s schedule.

Let go of Perfection

Don’t judge your family against “perfect” families you know or see in the media. Do focus your energy on doing what works for YOUR family.

Build a Support Network

You can’t do it alone, all parents need support!! Friends and family can give encouragement and help with child care, transportation, and more. Set up a network with other parents (for example: take turns baby-sitting or carpooling).

Avoid or Reduce Stress Triggers

If you can avoid situations that make you feel stress without creating even more, do so; If you can’t avoid a situation, plan ahead (for example: if mornings are hectic, get clothes and lunches ready the night before).

Follow Healthy Habits

Create a health eating pattern that’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber (click here for help). Get at least 150 minutes of moderate – or 75 minutes of vigorous – physical activity each week. Consult your health care provider before starting an exercise program. Get enough rest. Being rested can help you stay patient and keep your cool. Taking good care of yourself also sets a good example of your child.

Make Time For You and For Your Family

Do something relaxing each day. Even a few minutes can refresh you (for example: read, listen to music, or call a friend). Some “adult time” with your partner or friends is a must! Spend quality time with your child each day. Talk, listen, and openly share feelings.

Add Stress-Reducing Exercises To Your Day

Breath deeply. Visualize. Meditate. Laugh! Focus on the positive.

Take Control Before You Lose Control

When you feel stress and anger rising…STOP! Think about what you are doing and saying. Take a timeout (count to 10 or take deep breaths). Figure out why you’re upset. Once you are calm, talk about how you feel. Think of and try different ways to solve the problem.

Ask for Help When You Need It

If stress is hurting your body, mind, or relationships, talk to a trusted loved one or get professional help.

Just a couple of tips to help you get through the day. Stay positive and always remember you are not alone! Pass the information along!

Information provided by:

Channing Bete Company

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